Customs Bonded Warehouse Savings Calculator

Find out how much you can save when using a customs bonded warehouse for import and storage of products and spare parts

Business Data

Import value - Yearly Select your yearly inventory value


$50,000 $2,000,000

Unused inventory exported to origin Mention the % of your average unused inventory


0% 100%

Average time from import to in-country stock utilization

In months Select how long the stock will stay in the warehouse

8 months

3 months 15 months

Cost of the capital

Per annum interest %


5% 15%

Country - Duties & Taxes % indicative

Savings Metric

Savings on working capital

Savings on duties & taxes

Total savings

Other benefits:

  • Deferred payment of duties and taxes
  • Better cashflow management
  • Faster customs clearance & regulatory approvals
  • Efficient and secure inventory handling
  • Fast inventory withdrawal and demand response

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